I Want to Diversify My Income Streams, but How Can I Find the Time?

This is one of the most common questions I get asked.

I know you’ve been thinking about diversifying your income, but I totally get that finding time is a problem. You are already too busy- how can you add in one more thing? Even if it’s a thing that will eventually give you more time freedom. But don’t worry, I’ve got some ideas for you.🤗

Keep reading for 7 steps to help you make the time to create your diversified income streams. Trust me, if I can do it, so can you. Let’s dive in!

Here’s a video if you’d rather watch than read!

Step 1: Prioritize and Plan

Take a look at your current commitments and identify any areas where you can carve out some dedicated time. Schedule it in and block it off as a non-negotiable appointment with yourself. Remember, even a few hours a week can make a huge difference. As you progress, you can gradually reduce your therapy (or your other day job) hours to focus on your other income streams.

Step 2: Embrace Small Steps

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your diversified income streams won’t be either. Embrace the power of baby steps. (Like the movie What About Bob!) Start small and simple. Consider offering bite-sized $9 offers as an entry point for your audience and a way for you to test the waters on your idea without feeling overwhelmed. If you want to try your hand at a $9 offer, here is my affiliate link for Lizzy Goddard’s Small But Mighty $9 Offers course. And guess what? It’s $9. 😀

Remember, every small step counts towards your bigger goals.

Step 3: Leverage Your Existing Content

You already have a treasure trove of valuable information even if you don’t realize it yet! Look at your blog posts, social media content, or things you teach over and over in your therapy or helping professional practice. Think about tools and skills you can share in a non-clinical way. This saves you time and energy in the creation process while providing immense value to your audience.

Step 4: Collaborate

As therapists, collaboration and connection are in our DNA. Partnering with other professionals brings fresh perspectives and lightens your workload. Collaborative projects can be incredibly rewarding. Explore opportunities to join forces with like-minded individuals and create something amazing together. Who do you know with a similar professional interest that you can reach out to?

Step 5: Block Your Time

Time blocking is your secret weapon for productivity. Allocate specific time blocks for each task in the creation process- from brainstorming ideas to content creation and marketing. Breaking tasks into small time blocks can help you stay focused and make steady progress without feeling overwhelmed. Consider using productivity tools like a cube timer to keep you on track and prevent distractions.

Step 6: Embrace Flexibility

Life and work can be unpredictable, and that’s okay. Embrace flexibility and be kind to yourself. Some days you’ll stick to your schedule, while others you won’t. Remember, this is a journey, and every small step counts. Celebrate your milestones along the way and keep pushing forward.

Step 7: Believe in Yourself and Take Action

You’ve got this! Believe in your abilities and take action. Remember that your diversified income streams are not only about boosting your income but also having a bigger impact on the world. In order to make the time, you have to believe it’s worth it. It is! Celebrate your unique experience, passions and knowledge. Remember, you have the power to make it happen.

You CAN make the time to create diversified income streams. Prioritize, plan, and take small but consistent steps. Leverage your existing content, collaborate, and make use of time blocking to stay on track. Embrace flexibility, celebrate your milestones, and believe in yourself. Your journey to more income, more impact and less burnout starts now!

If you need additional support, visit my website at www.mrisser.com/everything.

You’ll find free and super affordable (as low as $9!) offers to help you achieve your goals without burnout. Take good care of yourself, and remember, YOU CAN DO THIS!! Go out there and make it happen!

PS: If you are thinking about creating CEU courses as your diversified income stream and don’t know where to start, grab my free checklist here!

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