5 Ways to Stop Self-Doubt From Stopping You

Getting started with diversified income streams can feel like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without the box. It’s normal to feel scared and even a little overwhelmed at times. But here’s the thing – you really can do this! Here’s how:

1. Just Be You: Remember you’re one of a kind. Your combination of knowledge, expertise, passion and life experience is yours alone. Stop comparing your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 20! Instead, embrace exactly where you are on your individual path. Every step you take, no matter how small, is a victory.

2. Equip Yourself with Knowledge: The more you learn, the more confident you will feel. Take courses and read books about your niche or area of interest. Learn everything you can about your potential income streams. Workshops, courses, and podcasts can be great sources of valuable information!

3. Find Your Community: Surround yourself with people who cheer you on, have your back, and understand the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. I would NOT have been able to get where I am without my business besties. 💖

4. Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Run Your Business: Those bullies in your head have no business making business decisions for you. Remind yourself daily of your strengths and accomplishments. Meditation, journaling, or just sitting with and noticing your emotions can be game-changers.

5. Action Over Overthinking: Sometimes, the best antidote to self-doubt is action. Take the next step, however daunting it may seem. Remember, every expert started as a beginner, and you have to start somewhere too. Action can increase your confidence and courage.

Remember, it’s perfectly okay and expected to have moments of doubt; what matters is what you do about it. I believe in you wholeheartedly and I’m cheering you on every step of the way!

PS: If you want a little extra help with this, my friend Jenny Hughes and I are running version 2.0 of our Burned Out to BRAVE program starting January 22! We’ll be kicking it off with a get-it-done week to get everyone up to speed with their income stream, and on January 29 we will help you start growing and nurturing your email list!

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